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12.14.22 Questions



1 Corinthians Chapter 11 Continued Questions

1.       They were coming together not for the ________, but for the ______.

2.       What would be a reason that would be better, if they did not assemble?

3.       What had Paul heard that was one of their problems?

4.       How did this differ from the day of Pentecost?

5.       What does “heresies” in verse 19, mean?

6.       What had they been doing that had made them take the communion too lightly?

7.       Instead of a true remembrance of Christ, it had become a ________.

8.       What makes the author believe the wine was possibly fermented that they were using for communion?

9.       What? have ye not houses to eat and drink in? or _________ ye the church of God, and shame them that have not?

10.   They had made a ________ out of going to church.

11.   What does Paul tell them all over again to make them realize what communion is?

12.   Since Paul was not at the last supper with Jesus, this has to be a ____________.

13.   Where can you find some more Scriptures on the communion?

14.   What symbolized the body of Jesus?

15.   What symbolized the shed blood of Jesus?

16.   When Jesus took the cup of communion, what did He say?

17.   As oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the _________ __________ till he come.

18.   What can repetitious taking of the communion cause?

19.   What is wrong with taking communion from obligation?

20.   What happens to you, if you eat the bread and drink the cup unworthily?

21.   What should we do before we take communion?

22.   What causes us to drink damnation unto ourselves?

23.   For this cause, many are ______ and _________.

24.   What is verse 33 trying to teach about the difference in the Christian and the world?

25.   If a man hunger, let him ____ at _______.

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